17 AUGUST 2022

Yippy Kay Yay! This Wild Horse is coming to the north and it’s bringing you a humdinger of an event.
Description of the Wild Horse 200 North Wales route:
You have 120 hours (5 days) to complete a 200 mile marked trail course across the awe-inspiring North Wales. The route has 24,449 feet of climbing. No repetition or long out and backs, just one great adventure across the backcountry and mountains of North Wales, along the Wales Coast Path, jumping briefly on to Offa’s Dyke, before traversing the Clwydian Way and catching the Hiraethog Trail on to the Snowdonia Slate Trail and finish line at Blaenau Ffestiniog
The race is well supported with aid stations serving real food, sleep stations, skilled medical team, live tracking of runners, and classic finisher buckles as well as other glorious swag to take home.
Cut off times, checkpoints and drop bags:
This is a non stop race, which means we will be bucking things up with a strict 120 hours to complete the race. Once the clock starts it does not stop until you reach the finish line. There will be 3 optional sleep stations along the course and all runners must make the 100 mile marker before the clock hits 55 hours. Otherwise it is game over.
Checkpoints will be every 25 miles and we do allow (encourage) runners to have their own crew – although it is possible to run un-crewed (screwed).
Of course the checkpoints will include all the goodies you’d expect from a long ass race – warm food, warm drinks, cold food, cold drinks, medical attention, a moral boosting hug and the odd beer if that get’s you moving forward again. Got a dietary requirement? No problem, just let us know!
Drop bags are extremely important for this event and the system will allow each runner to access their drop bag roughly every 25 miles. Meaning runners must pick and choose wisely as to what they will need for the next 25 miles.
Sleep station drop bags are critical to this event. Each runner will be permitted to have one sleep station drop bag that will be transported to all 3 of the sleep stations – 70 miles, 120 miles, 160 miles.
And last but not least – keep an eye out for our Wild Horse Stallion’s – they will be your guiding light as you approach each and every checkpoint. It’s always nice to have a little company as you approach a checkpoint – just ask them for whatever you need (don’t be a diva).
Can people watch you in real time?
Hell yeah! Each runner will receive a tracker at the start of the race and all your friends, family and complete strangers can watch live online. Dot watching at it’s finest!
What race bling do you get?
The coveted North Wales 200 Belt Buckle (for finishers only)
Wild Horse 200 Cotton T-shirt
North Wales 200 Map Print from Waymarked Art
Entry fee
The cost to enter the North Wales 200 is £349.00. You can pay this upfront via Si Entries or if you’d like to pay the entry fee in instalments then we will work with you to make this possible. Please see examples below;
Option 1 – 3 monthly payments over November, December and January. Deposit payment being £129.00, followed up with 2 x payments of £110.
Option 2 – 3 quarterly payments over November, January and March. Deposit payment being £129.00, followed up with 2 x payments of £110.
We are a reasonable bunch and will always work with a runner to open the door to our 200 mile events.